Soft Rock

Se há um casaco que fica bem com quase todos os tecidos de verão é o biker jacket. Algodão, seda, linho, poliéster não há como errar nesta mistura. O meu vestido preferido da coleção da zara não admitia outro. Ou pele ou nada!
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If there is a jacket that looks good with almost all tissues summer is the biker jacket. Cotton, silk, linen, polyester can not go wrong this mixture. My favorite dress from the Zara collection brooked no other. Leather or nothing.


Zara Dress s/s 14 | Mango Jacket s/s14 and Boots

20 thoughts on “Soft Rock”

  1. Anonymous

    Amazing pictures! I just adore your concept…

  2. Beautiful dress and you look lovely!! <3

    Well I was wondering if we could follow each other via bloglovin, gfc, instagram, twitter, facebook and g+? Do visit my blog and let me know where you follow and I will follow back right away!! 🙂


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